How Can I Book a Session?
Skieasy customers are required to book all of their sessions in advance. Please go to book now tab to make a booking and to see our calendar of availability. Lines are open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. 7 days a week but feel free to send us an email to ski@dukesmeadows.com if you are intending to book out of hours.
Can I Book Over a Phone?
You’ll need to register on our website and pay online. We can answer your questions and help you with the booking over a phone, however we no longer can take a payment over a phone. Go to the top of the page and click book now or visit www.skieasy.net and click book online at the top of the home page.
Which Sessions Can I Book In To?
Sessions are available every 30 minutes dependent on availability and, as we do not run group lessons, there are no restrictions as to which times you can come. Our peak times book up quickly so we recommend booking well in advance.
Is There a Minimum Age Restriction?
Children can ski from age 4 but cannot share the slope with a friend or sibling until they are age 5. We have equipment to be able to cater for younger skiers, but please check we have boots small enough for your child before you book.
Can I Amend or Cancel My Booking?
Our terms and conditions for standard sessions allow customers to reschedule their booking as long as this is done a minimum of 48 hours before the start of their session time. We do not provide refunds if you are unable to attend unless it is due to illness. In this case we will need a doctors note before we can process a refund.
What Are Your Opening Times?
We are open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 7 days a week but times may be subject to change both in peak season and the summer so feel free to double check with the office.
What Equipment Will I Need?
We provide almost everything that you need to ski or snowboard at Skieasy. The following will be available at the beginning of you session:
Ski boots
Poles (if required)
Helmets (mandatory for all children under the age of 18).
It is necessary for participants to bring long, thick ski socks for their comfort and hygiene purposes during the session. If you do not have ski socks, you can buy a pair at our reception. Please check out the FAQ about clothing below.
Can I Bring My Own Gear?
If you have your own boots, you are more than welcome to bring them along but please refrain from bringing your own skis as all equipment needs to be fully de-waxed and edged so as not to damage the Skieasy surface.
What Clothes Should I Wear?
Any sensible clothing suitable for sport is fine but we do put water on the slope so you may get a bit damp! We advise you wear a long-sleeved lightweight top and loose fitting trousers (tracksuit bottoms are ideal) to protect elbows and knees from abrasion. Smooth lightweight socks are the best option for your feet to fit ski boots as snugly as possible. We’d recommend you bring a jumper with you and during colder months you may wish to wear warmer clothes.
How Long Will My Session Be?
Expect to be in the center for just under an hour. You will need to arrive approximately 15 minutes before your session to check in and be fitted with your boots and skis. All sessions are with an instructor, you won’t be able to ski on your own on the slope. Sessions are 30 minutes of skiing in total. You will have time after the session has finished to ask your instructor any questions and get additional feedback.
What is The Maximum Amount of People Allowed on The Slope?
A maximum of two people (adults or children) are permitted on the slope together at any given time. For children under 10 of similar ability we can accommodate a maximum of three but please check with reception before booking. For a group of 3-4 people you can book 2 back to back lessons and have an hour on the slope!
How Long Will I Ski For?
A lesson is approximately 30 minutes of skiing or snowboarding. You can book multiple sessions but we would not recommend doing these sequentially as sessions are quite intensive and we recommend a break after 30 minutes.
I don’t want an instructor can I use the slope without one?
For safety reasons all sessions come with an instructor. They will control the speed and incline of the slope. Also, the ski surface is quite unforgiving so, even if you are a good skier, you will need some help to adjust to skiing on our surface.
How similar to snow are indoor revolving slopes?
The surface we use is like a thick astro turf. It is more forgiving and softer than traditional outdoor artificial slopes but less forgiving than snow. This means the techniques you master on the Skieasy slope will be of a high level and you should find it easier when you transfer these techniques onto real snow. All the techniques taught by our instructors are the same as you would learn from instructors in a ski resort, indoor dome or on a dry slope.
I’m a pretty good skier. Will it help me improve my technique?
It certainly will but there will be an adjustment period as you get used to the feel of the surface. With skiing there are no quick fixes so it is unlikely you will see the benefit of just one session, however, one session will highlight issues you can work on the next time you go to the mountains. If you book a series of lessons you will really start to feel the difference. Once you have adjusted to the surface the instant feedback from your instructor and the ability to look at your own technique in detail will really help you to progress your skills.
I’m returning from an injury. Is Skieasy good for rehabilitation?
Skieasy is very good for returning from injury, although you should check with your doctor or physiotherapist before booking a session. Our safety bar allows you to start very slowly reducing the risk of a fall. The responsive nature of the surface will highlight any weaknesses in your technique allowing you to focus on the key areas needing to development to get back to the mountains.

How Do I Get To Skieasy?
We're based at Dukes Meadows Golf and Tennis, Dan Mason Drive, W4 2SH, Chiswick. The centre is just along the river from Chiswick Bridge.There are three stations close to Dukes Meadows: Chiswick, Mortlake and Barnes Bridge. All 10 minutes walk from the site. There is a Bus Stop on A316 Hartington Road (stop x) which is 5 minutes walk. Please check for bus and train delays when planning your journey.
Is There Somewhere That I Can Park a Car?
YES! We have FREE on-site parking available for 150 cars so parking will never be a problem for our customers. Local traffic can be busy so please check when planning your journey.
When Should I Arrive For My Session?
We recommend that you arrive 15 mins before your session so that you have time to fill in disclaimer form and fit your boots. Please check for travel delays as lessons cannot over run if you arrive late.
What Should I Do If I Know I'm Going To Be Delayed For My Session?
If you are going to be delayed for your session please call the reception on 020 8994 3314. We will do our best to get you to your lesson quickly but sessions cannot over run to make back time.
What Happens When I Arrive?
When you arrive please check in at the reception. Our staff will check in your booking and ask you to fill some paperwork in. Then we will take measurements for boots and ski before getting you on the slope.
Where Can I Get Changed?
We have changing facilities and showers on site.
What Ski level am I?
This is a rough guide as to what ski level you are before you head off to the mountains. You can also use the guide to decide what ski level you may be here at SkiEasy.
True Beginner:
You’ll know if this is you or not. A true beginner is someone who has never put on a pair of ski boots or ski’s before.
Beginner skiers are classified as people who are just starting to dabble in beginner and low intermediate trails. This may be you if you’re typically a skier who normally has an instructor or a friend who’s job it is to get you down the mountain. Skill-wise, you’ll be able to control your speed with your snowplough or ‘pizza’. Turns will be slow and steady and at the end of your time as a beginner, you’ll be starting to bring your ski’s together in the traverse to make them parallel or ‘chips’.
While there are several types of skis, a beginner should stick with all-mountain skis. You should select skis that are approximately chin height and they should be relatively soft and flexible so they can turn easily.
Congratulations! You’ve made it to the next level! Intermediate skiers will ski mostly in a parallel fashion but may still use the wedge to stop or begin a turn. You are comfortable on most groomed trails and terrain but you’re likely to still be pretty cautious in regards to your speed. You are able to stop on demand and have a bit more confidence that you’ll make it to the bottom in one piece. You will begin trying out more challenging trails which could be steeper or icier.
Skis can be a little longer once you’ve reached an intermediate status. The tip should reach somewhere between your mouth and nose.
This might be one of the hardest groups to identify. If you know you’re not an intermediate skier still, but aren’t quite confident enough to call yourself an expert, then chances are this is you. You should be able to ski most, if not all trails, an ability to ski fast, regular ability to ski off piste and, more traditionally, the ability to link full parallel turns at speed.
Ski length will fall somewhere between your nose and eyebrows.
Hands down, you’re the best skier on the mountain! OK, so maybe not the best, but you certainly could be a contender! Black trails, double black trails, double diamond trails, knee deep pow, shoulder deep pow, the whole shebang, you can do anything! You could probably ski with your hands tied behind your back and blindfolded! OK, please don’t do that but you get my drift?
If you’re truly an expert skier, you probably know it.
Happy Skiing!

Is There Somewhere That Parents and Friends Can Wait or Watch?
Yes, we have a viewing gallery with seating that overlooks the slope so anybody is welcome to come and watch! It’s a small centre so we would advise no more than 2 spectators.
Is There Somewhere That I Can Buy Food and Drinks?
Yes, we have a cafe/bar on site open from 8am to 8pm serving breakfast/lunch/dinner and a selection of hot or cold drinks (Even a cheeky apres-ski tipple)
What Other Facilities are On Offer?
Overlooking the River Thames in Chiswick, Dukes Meadows is well located for easy access to and from London and within close proximity to mainline stations.
We offer superb facilities including a 9 hole, par 3 golf course, a 50 bay floodlit driving range, academy 5 hole course & short game area, indoor and floodlit outdoor tennis courts, a gym, treatment rooms and parking for 150 cars.